SCSS structure
We are use 7-1 tire
folder structure in our
We are use gulp
for the scss to css compilation
Note: First, you must download and install node.js
You can
check it in your terminal window using these commands node --version
and npm
your node version should be v18.7.0
If you want to use scss so you need to follow some steps for compilation process
npm i
command (install node js) gulp style
command in your terminal
- scss
- base
- components // all
components scss
- layout
- pages
- themes
- utils
- vendors // All plugins scss
folder and files here
- animate
- aos
- bootstrap
- button-builder
- calendar
- chartist
- data-table
- datatable-extension
- date-picker
- daterange-picker
- date-time-picker
- dropzone
- echart
- feather-icon
- flag-icon
- icoicon
- image-cropper
- jsgrid
- owltheme
- page-builder
- photoswipe
- prism
- range-slider
- rating
- scrollable
- scrollbar
- select2
- simple-mde
- sticky
- summernote
- svg-icon
- sweetalert2-master
- themify
- time-picker
- todo
- tour
- tree
- vector-map
- whether-icon
- animate
- base
If you want to add new scss
so you can add in _custom.scss
because we are update template
in future at that time you can take
update template easily
and use it
only one custom
scss file you need to put from your side
Intelligent customization using scss
You can change in assets/scss/utils/_variables.scss
Common settings
Variables set | Content |
$theme-body-font-color: #051A1A; |
whole themplate body font color set here |
$theme-body-font-color: #051A1A; |
whole themplate body font color set here |
For font family
$font-Montserrat: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; |
set Body font family |
For main color settings
$primary-color: #006666; |
All color template settings |
$secondary-color: #FE6A49; |
$success-color: #00AC46; |
$info-color: #9560DD; |
$warning-color: #FFAE1A; |
$danger-color: #FE6A49; |
$light-color: #E6E9EB; |
For sidebar settings
$sidebar-width: 265px; |
set sidebar width |
$sidebar-background-color: $primary-color; |
set sidebar background color |
$sidebar-shadow: none; |
set sidebar shadow color |
$sidebar-overflow: auto; |
set sidebar overflow scroll |
$sidebar-z-index: 9; |
set sidebar z index |
For card settings
$card-padding: 20px; |
set common card spacing |
$card-margin-bottom: 25px; |
set common card outside spacing |
$card-border-color: 1px solid $light-gray; |
set card border |
$card-border-radious: 8px; |
set card border radius |
$card-box-shadow: 0px 9px 20px rgba(46, 35, 94, 0.07); |
set card box shadow |