

Last updated Sep 15, 2024


For the whole theme color change,

go to your scss folder and then find _variables.scss file in utils folder

you need to change $primary-color and $secondary-color variables hex code

open style.scss file from the scss folder
:root {
--theme-deafult: #006666;
--theme-secondary: #FE6A49;
above 2 css color variables also change
For the customizer remove, Just you need to remove one js file which is customizer.js
delete this script file from your page
For the dark mode page, just you have to add? dark-only class to body tag
For the RTL page, just you have to add rtl class to body tag and also add dir="rtl"attribute in your html tag
For the sidebar settings, just you need to add sidebar-layout="border-sidebar" attribute in sidebar-wrapper class