Js structure
We are use some plugins for design template so we need to add
plugin min js
and custom script
- js
- animation
- aos
- scroll-reveal
- tilt
- wow
- aos
- bookmark
- bootstrap
- button-builder
- calendar
- chart
- apex-chart
- chartist
- chartjs
- flot-chart
- google
- knob
- morris-chart
- peity-chart
- sparkline
- apex-chart
- clipboard
- contacts
- counter
- custom-card
- dashboard
- datatable
- datatable-extension
- datatables
- datatable-extension
- dragable
- drilldown
- dropzone
- editor
- ace-editor
- ckeditor
- adapters
- lang
- plugins
- skins
- adapters
- simple-mde
- summernote
- ace-editor
- form-builder
- form-builder-1
- form-builder-2
- form-builder-1
- form-wizard
- icons
- feather-icon
- feather-icon
- image-cropper
- internationalization
- jarallax_libs
- jkanban
- jsgrid
- map-js
- notify
- owlcarousel
- page-builder
- lang
- skins
- photoswipe
- prism
- range-slider
- rating
- scrollable
- scrollbar
- select2
- sticky
- sweet-alert
- task
- theme-customizer
- timeline
- timeline-v-1
- timeline-v-2
- timeline-v-1
- time-picker
- todo
- touchspin
- tour
- tree
- typeahead
- data
- typeahead-search
- vector-map
- map
- animation
If you want to add new js
so you can add in custom-script.js
because we are update template
in future at that time you can take
update template easily
and use it
only one custom
js file you need to put from your side