Use the different styles of borders like: border radius/border-color/border-width
. Use of any components.
Use border utilities to add or remove an element's borders.
Use the .bg-*
and .alert-light-*
colors in Riho theme. Use of any components.
Use the .b-*/.b-t-*/.b-b-*/.b-l-*/.b-r-*
class for borders.
Use the width and height of images class like: .img-*
and .img-h-*
Use the font-style like: .f-s-*[normal/italic/oblique/initial/inherit]
This is a .f-s-normal font-style
This is a .f-s-italic font-style
This is a .f-s-oblique font-style
This is a .f-s-initial font-style
This is a .f-s-inherit font-style
Use the font-weight classes like: .f-w-* [100/300/400/600/700/900]
Use the text color for .font-*
Use the padding classes like: .p-* [10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50]
Use the padding classes like: .p-l-*/.p-r-*/.p-t-*/.p-b-*
Use the margin classes like: .m-* [10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50]
Use the margin classes like: .m-l-*/.m-r-*/.m-t-*/.m-b-*
Use the font-size for .f-* [14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28/30/32/34/36/38/40]